Here’s how it works:
1 > subscribe to news updates or stay tuned on the town’s website to get the code for free water
2 > gather up your empty water jugs and visit the store (located in the historic Chatham Mills building on 15-501 – 480 hillsboro street) We do have some bottles available for purchase. Supplies are likely to be limited.
3 > Let the cashier know how many gallons you are getting and the code – and that’s it!
“At around 1:30 PM today (September 22nd, 2023), the Town of Pittsboro was notified by the City of Burlington that routine testing performed at Burlington’s Wastewater Treatment Plant showed the presence of 1,4 dioxane in the effluent, or water released back into the Haw River from the facility. Further testing confirmed that 1,4 dioxane entered the Haw River after passing through Burlington’s plant. The sample taken in Burlington on Thursday, September 14th, 2023, for which results were just received, showed 1,4 dioxane concentrations greater than 1200 µg/l entering the plant and 459 µg/l leaving the plant…” https://pittsboronc.gov/AlertCenter.aspx…