Art Project | Request for Proposal
Please read through the following information. Below you will find the form to submit your proposal as well as an FAQ at the bottom. The FAQ will be updated as we receive proposals and clarifying questions, so do check back!

Project Background and Description
Inside Chatham Mills, our store has 12 interior windows to a building hallway. For aesthetic and security reasons, it is important that an eye level view into the store be obscured from foot traffic. Currently there are custom built canvas frames on the inside of the windows, however they are showing their age and are extremely dusty and – let’s just say it – ugly.
We think a creative solution that will bring some vibrancy to the hallway and add some local flair would be to hire an artist to paint the lower portion of the twelve windows with an abstract design that highlights food. The project would also include our logo/ business name on either side of the hallway. We don’t have a firm deadline for the completion of the project, but we do want the project completed this summer and expect proposals to include a clear description of how long they think it will take.
We are looking to spend under $1,000 in total (around $75 to $85 per window). This is negotiable as we need to be educated by you on cost of supplies and expected time investment.
Project Contact
Our General Manager, Evan Diamond, will be receiving proposals and making the final decision on which artist we choose.
Our Timeline and Submission
Proposal submissions are to be done using the form below.
Through Friday, May 28 – accepting proposals/ answering questions/ updating FAQs
June 4 – final decision will be announced and all candidates notified
Summer 2021 – Project completed
Who Can Submit Proposals?
Anyone is welcome to submit proposals. We will give preference to artists that are right here in Pittsboro. You do not need to be an owner.
Is experience necessary?
Yes. In order to make an informed decision, we will need to see at least one example of your work for comparison against other proposals.