Ownership Form

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Ownership Price: $100
Ownership price is $100. You can pay in full today, or by installments. If you choose the installment plan, you will be billed $25 per quarter until paid in full, or you can make payments in the store at the register.
Who will be the primary contact?
Opt in to store newsletter (1 - 2 emails per month)
Make me a wallet sized card with my number
We'll send you an email with your owner number once we process your application, which is usually within 48 hours.

Thanks for choosing to become an owner! Your Ownership Share is a one-time fee. In addition to financial discounts, ownership entitles you to one vote in our board elections and the opportunity to run as a candidate. Ownership fees are refundable at any time by contacting the General Manager. Even if you are paying in installments, your benefits begin immediately and you have a full year to pay.

I am applying to purchase one (1) Ownership Share in Chatham Marketplace Inc. under the policies and conditions stated in the co-ops Articles of Incorporation and Bylaws. (available for review at chathammarketplace.coop). Please note that the transaction must be completed through PayPal before receiving a confirmation.

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